Seria zgłębia reakcje społeczeństw krajów bałtyckich na narastające napięcia wywoływane przez działania Rosji. Przedstawiono w niej problem bezpieczeństwa regionalnego z perspektywy mieszkańców Przesmyku Suwalskiego, Litwy, Łotwy, Estonii oraz Finlandii. Twórcy ukazują, jak społeczności tych regionów przygotowują się na potencjalne zagrożenia, jakie obawy towarzyszą im na co dzień oraz jaką rolę odgrywają narodowe siły obronne w obliczu współczesnych wyzwań.

a five-part documentary series

  • Poland flag with fabric texture. Poland flag is depicted on a sports cloth fabric with many folds.
    Episode 1
  • Asset 147
    Episode 2
  • Asset 180
    Episode 3
  • Asset 178
    Episode 4
  • Asset 189
    Episode 5

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The Suwalki Gap, a narrow strip between Poland and Lithuania, is a critical point separating Russia’s Kaliningrad region and Belarus. Amid Russia’s war in Ukraine and heightened NATO tensions, it poses a strategic challenge. Russia could potentially cut off the Baltic states from NATO through this area.

In response, NATO has strengthened its military presence, conducted exercises, and improved regional infrastructure.


Lithuania, sharing its border with both Belarus and Russia’s Kaliningrad region, is a central player in the defense of NATO’s eastern flank. As part of the Suwalki Gap, this Baltic nation faces significant strategic challenges, as the region could be a target for Russia to isolate the Baltic states from NATO support.


Latvia, a NATO and EU member, shares a border with Russia, placing it on the frontline of the alliance’s eastern defenses. As one of the Baltic states, Latvia faces heightened security challenges amid Russia’s war in Ukraine and its aggressive posture in the region.

In response, Latvia has significantly increased its defense spending and strengthened its military infrastructure.


Estonia, the northernmost Baltic state, shares a border with Russia, placing it at the forefront of NATO’s eastern defense. Its strategic location and history of Soviet occupation make it highly vigilant about regional security, particularly amid rising tensions with Russia.

A unique challenge for Estonia is its significant Russian-speaking minority, comprising around 25% of the population.


Finland, sharing a 1,340-kilometer border with Russia, faces unique challenges in the current security environment. Historically neutral but with a strong defense tradition, Finland’s recent decision to join NATO reflects the growing threat perception stemming from Russia’s aggression in Ukraine and its assertive actions in the region.
